Sunni and Kimmie Haze Sunni agrees to take this easy matchup with newcomer Kimmie. What she doesn’t know is that Kimmie has some previous experience, and a lot of it! They face off and share some words. Most of the talking is done by Sunni who is arrogant and can’t help but laugh at the tiny Kimmie. Paisley interrupts to cal out the stats and rules. It’s simple… The first half is a catfight style match and the second round is grappling; most submissions wins! The match begins. Kimmie is somewhat hesitant to grab Sunnis hair. Maybe she was trying to play Sunni initially or maybe she wanted to see what Sunni started with first. Either way, her tactics worked since she was able to pin Sunni up against the wall fairly quickly and get a good pussy mauling in Sunni to submit! Sunni then gets thrown to the ground with pussy, tit, and nipple attacks before being KayOhhed by Kimmies forearm digging into her windpipe! Kimmie limb checks and does a pose! Kim slaps Sunni awake. Sunni gets up and goes in for a slap but misses. Kimmie returns the favor but she is spot on with her aim and Sunnis delayed moves. They go back and forth a bit. Sunni keeps missing and Kimmie keeps landing. Finally Kimmie is about done with how pathetic Sunni is. She gives her a harsh uppercut that sends her flying to the ground. Sunni is trying to gather herself but still has the energy and drive to get up! She is not a quitter! Sunni gets up to Kimmies surprise. Kimmie decides to send her into tomorrow’s dreams! Kimmie kissed her lucky fist and sends Sunni flying into the mats ending her! Kimmie does a limb check, rolls Sunni over, then does a beautiful victory pose. Then Kimmie thinks it’s about time for Sunni to come to! They start the second part of the match on their knees. Kimmie once again gets dominance pretty early on. She gets a school girl pin on Sunni then quickly transitions to a head scissor before making Sunni submit. They start up again with Kimmie getting Sunni in a and HOM; making Sunni submit once again! This goes on for awhile until Kimmie is done with Sunni and doesn’t listen to her submissions. Kimmie does a victory pose after putting on her heels. She then wakes up Sunni and her to kiss all over her legs and ass showing that she is the dominant woman. Obviously, Sunni has no choice but to follow Kimmies orders! This clip includes: Pussy Attacks Breast Attacks Nipple Attacks Punches Slaps HOM Limb Check Victory Pose KayOhh breast Reverse Scissor School Girl Pin Head Scissor.

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX
Length: 23 Minutes
Price: $19.99 USD