Schoolgirl Crushes

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In this 11-minute film, Celest admires herself in the mirror while Paisley watches from the bed. Drawn by her admiration, Paisley approaches Celest and playfully pins her arms above her head. She then gently guides Celest to the bed, taking the lead in their light-hearted interaction. As they move around the room, Paisley lifts Celest into a bear hug, expressing her hidden feelings for her friend. Though initially confused by Paisley’s confession, Celest eventually responds with a kiss. The film ends with Paisley, still holding Celest close, cherishing the unexpected moment of connection. Celest falls victim to paisleys holds allowing paisley to caress her body..
Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX
Length: 11 Minutes
Price: $10.99 USD

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