Paisley hasn’t gotten her money from Ray and she is annoyed and wants her money but Ray just doesn’t have it and expects her to just take a hike and leave him alone. Not going to happen because she quickly loses her temper and comes at him with a vengeance. She uses her headscissors which she has gotten pretty good at tightening up her scissors and really applying the pressure to make a grown man tap out. She already has put many females to nap so now she plans to put out any man that gets in her way. She does just that to Ray who cant seem to do anything about her kicking his ass locking him in every headscissor variation she knew. There were a few other squeezes that were seriously going to break his Adam’s apple as she enjoyed and taunted him while crushing his throat putting full weight on it. This was Paisley at her meanest and the extra footage at the end was a K0 blooper and Ray didn’t where he was or what was going on. Paisley is now retired and this was from her last shoot and she won’t much anymore after a while so if you are a fan of hers you definitely don’t want to miss this clip..

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 11 Minutes
Price: $10.00 USD
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 11 Minutes
Price: $10.00 USD