It was bad day for this intruder to invade in Nina’s place.She was in her restroom when this guy comes in to get her but he didn’t know what he was getting into until it was too late. She attacked him rapidly getting the upper hand on him before K0 to him down hurting him to the point where he tried to tackle her down. That didn’t work either as she scissored him in a standing headscissors before coming down and constricting the life out of him slowly while interrogating him on who he was and why he was there. As she would switch positions but continuing the pain and pressure on him he would eventually give in and tell her who he was. She finally squeezes him to a K0 and finishes him by breaking his neck between her ankles with a swift jerk. Its over for this guy and too bad he will never learn the dangerous lesson of never invading her place again..

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280×720 PX Length: 10 Minutes
Price: $9.00 USD
Resolution: 1280×720 PX Length: 10 Minutes
Price: $9.00 USD