New girl Lexzee makes her debut taking Misty in a battle to being the better woman. these have met each other on a photoshoot and didn’t like each other very much so here we will see the results when two hot fireballs get to letting out their fraustrations on each other. Sweet Misty couldn’t handle Lexzee from the beggining and Lexzee uses her new wrestling ss and muscular legs to extract pain from Misty. Eventually Misty gets too much of Lexzee’s ass kciking and is put to nap while Lexzee poses with her ass near Misty’s face as an extra. Misty however didn’t take that lightly and comes back to show Lexzee just how much she knows a thing or two about ass kicking. Misty uses her super strength to over power Lexzee and puts her through loads of scissors and dominations only to end topless and take off Lexzee’s top as well. Poor Lexzee gets strangled with her own top by Misty and as she contiues exerting pain on Lexzee it was not long before Lexzee was seeing stars as Misty does some of her own sexy posing over Lexzee.

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280×720 PX Length: 21 Minutes
Price: $16.00 USD

Lexzee seems to have a natural dominant and feisty charisma/attitude which in combination with her trained body and tattoos make her an “alpha” girl. I have very much enjoyed watching her get defeated. The strangling scene was a lovely and creative details. The clip also seemed very authentic overall as if Misty really enjoyed dominating and humiliating Lexzee. Great work!