Jocelyn teaches Allie Summers what it’s like to be the new getting beat on. Jocelyn can be so sweet yet so mean to the new girls and she is always enjoying the she putts on them. She doesn’t have any mercy on these poor girls and soon enough Allie will be put into Dreamland and be another notch underneath her belt as she is K0d and pinned for a 10 count. Later Allie Summers wants her revenge and she returns to catch Jocelyn at a disadvantage and begins her own onslaught over Jocelyn. She taunts and smiles with serious enjoyment as she makes Jocelyn cry and writhe in pain. There is something about watching Allie wrap her luscious thighs around Jocelyn’s neck and witnessing her smile as her beautiful red curly hair swings about. Jocelyn is K0d and its a pin with a 10 count to victory..

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 21 Minutes
Price: $16.00 USD

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