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K0d In Bikinis Jocelyn vs Adrianna

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Adrianna tricks Jocelyn into thinking she was and so Jocelyn thought she was going to teach the new girl how to wrestle. However the joke was on Jocelyn as Adrianna took advantage of the situation and dominated Jocelyn by placing her in loads of domination holds. Jocelyn didn’t have a chance as there was nothing she could do but deal with the pain she had to endure however it was not long before Adrianna locks on a naper and puts Jocelyn to bed early and goes for a pin count of 10. This did not sit well for Jocelyn as she later sneaks up on Adrianna while she was stretching and locks some of her own domination moves she has learned over the last few months  from previous battles. She was very sarcastic and taunting on Adrianna as she switched from move to move until she has had enough of the gorgeous tanned brunette and put her to nap with a naper of her own. Jocelyn pins Adrianna to the count of 10 and its over as she claims victory and poses over Adrianna.
Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 20 Minutes
Price: $17.00 USD

Category: Latests Videos
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