Amanda stepped on the wrong mats today. She was doing her stretches when Jessica comes in and begins to show Amanda who is the queen of ass kicking. Too bad for Amanda Jessica was by far the worst bully to run into as Jessica had no mercy for her. Even with the cries of pain and begging Jessica still taunted her and kep giving her the barrage of punches, knees, kicks and steps on her hands and feet for more t0rture. Definitely the worst bully ever to run into as Amanda finds out real quick. Amanda has been known to be a bully herself but this time she meets the ultimate bully. Jessica is a mean street thug and shows Amanda no such mercy and she eventually beats her to the point of Amanda hardly having no life in her left. The end came quick with one hard kick to the head for Amanda and its lights gone out for her as Jessica claimed her victory of her beaten victim. .

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 15 Minutes
Price: $14.00 USD
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 15 Minutes
Price: $14.00 USD

Very sexy…