Allie Summers hasn’t been back here since last year and this time she takes on Celeste the most experienced wrestler on the Dreamland roster. Celeste takes apart poor Allie piece by piece but Allie isn’t giving up without a fight. She gives Celeste the hardest time even though Celeste is way stronger Allie was not going to just let Celeste dominate her. However this fire in Allie didn’t last long as Celeste being sed and strong took the life out of Allie within a few mins. Slowly and painfully Celeste put Allie through her grinder and made Allie suffer until Allie was finally put to nap by Celeste and pinned for a 10 count. Celeste after Allie wakes puts her foot on her chest and tells her basically she needed to recognize who was the boos on these mats. Allie later comes when Celeste is stretching and not aware and grabs her from behind. Allie now takes her turn on dominating Celeste using loads of squeezes and moves she has learned and now applying on Celeste. Allie taunts her a bit more then Celeste did on Allie. With a beautiful smile and bratty attitude Allie totally dominates Celeste for over 11 mins and squeezes her in a very unique hold until Celeste is out and Allie goes for the 10 count..

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 24 Minutes
Price: $17.00 USD
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 24 Minutes
Price: $17.00 USD