Bella Ink has not been on the mats of Dreamland for year and here she steps foot and giving a beating to Anya who is known for giving her own beatings on others. This was one sided beating from Bella as she scissors, squeezes, joint locks and even bodyslammed Anya. Anya just couldn’t get out of anything Bella put her into. Anya was just not use to taking on someone who has been experienced in many battles. After a decent 18 mins of ass kicking on Anya, Bella finally pins her for the 10 count with a hooked leg. A little more trash talking and posing while picking up the loser’s head as the loser is K0d and Bella Ink makes it known this is what is in store for anyone that battles her..

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 18 Minutes
Price: $15.00 USD
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 18 Minutes
Price: $15.00 USD