A challenge was made between these two as they have battled before. The first Fem to get the most falls via pin would be the best wrestler. Even though Adrianna had the most experience she did have her hands full with Jocelyn who was feisty and never quit. There were loads of humiliating moves such as planting each others crotch and ass on their gorgeous faces. It was not so much just to win but also it was fun to humiliate your opponent. they both enjoyed their fall wins and flexed their victories as well had the biggest smiles. Eventually there could only be one winner and it came with a more humiliating pose over the beaten loser’s body and you knew the winner was totally enjoying her victory.

Video Information:
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 22 Minutes
Price: $17.00 USD
Resolution: 1920×1080 PX Length: 22 Minutes
Price: $17.00 USD